Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Heidi Moreau

My favorite season is winter.Winter is my favorite season because is when christmas come and in christmas you are with family.You share all your speacial moment throu out the year.Every time I think of cold and snow.Also about christma, new year and even my brothers, cousin, friends and my birthday.

In winter time in the town when you look throu the window you just see the whole street white like the clowns.Also white as the wall in my room.You see the trees with no leef like a baby with no hair.You go outside and you hear SSssssssssssshahha the brice pulling everything it can like a tornado in Texas.You look outside and you see that you are in Antartica. Hasssuhasussywwww the air breath.Is cold as in Antartica.

Winter is a season of to be with family.Is a season were their is a lot of cold days. Also,were their is lots of snow.Winter for me is a season were i could share with family.

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